Friday, September 10, 2010

Lovin' those secondary characters

The Incredible Hercules: World War Hulk (NEW READ) (comics, superheroes)
I didn't read this to catch up with Hulk so much as to find out what was going on with Amadeus Cho. Punk mastermind hacker hanging out with an Olympian Demi-God? Yes please! So in this comic stuff blew up, Amadeus outsmarted everyone and believed in the Hulk (cuz friends! Hell yeah!) and in the end no one was really all that happy. But since that leads to Herc and Amadeus on the road having crazy adventures in later issues I'm totally fine with that. For more reasons on why this character is so awesome, see The 7 Most Brilliant Moments of Amadeus Cho.
Now I've gotta check out his Prince of Power miniseries!

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